August 9, 2021

American Cinema Editors held a remote annual meeting and debut committee fair on July 10, with emphasis on increasing member participation. “Don’t be shy,” urged ACE President Kevin Tent, ACE, who presided over the meeting. Board members Sabrina
Plisco, ACE, and Troy Takaki, ACE, introduced the committee fair, with Pilsco saying that they hoped it would “inspire you to become more involved.”
This included breakout rooms for members to learn more about committees including Diversity, Internship, International Relations, Blue Ribbon, Welcome and Membership. Other break[1]outs explored potential new committees including education, social, and one focused on animation that was initiated by Axel Geddes, ACE, and Edie Ichioka, ACE.
Other proposed committees may include London or New York specific groups. Steve Worsley quipped that those in the London breakout would “hear accents something between Bridgerton and Ted Lasso.”
During the meeting, Tent presented the newest members of ACE. They are active members Jonathan Alberts, ACE; Amy Michelle Barbour, ACE; Alexander Berner, ACE; Michael Chandler, ACE; John Coniglio, ACE; Lauren Connelly, ACE; David Coulson, ACE; Teki Cruickshank, ACE; Bob Ducsay, ACE; Marc Elmer, ACE; David Fisher, ACE; Bill Henry, ACE; Emily Hsuan, ACE; Helen Kearns, ACE; Joseph Krings, ACE; John Larson, ACE; Charles Little II, ACE; Erica Freed Marker, ACE; Nino D. Martinez, ACE; David Milhous, ACE; M. Watanabe Milmore, ACE; Alexandra Moore, ACE; Eli Nilsen, ACE; Barry A. O’Brien, ACE; Greg O’Toole, ACE; Stacey Schroeder, ACE; Jonathan Schwartz, ACE; Ishai Setton, ACE; Ian S. Tan, ACE; and affiliate members Matthew Coleshill, Bryan Colvin, Ross Guidici, Ahmed Hafez and Gregg Schwenk.
The meeting included a welcome from sponsor Adobe. The company’s latest efforts include a program called The Great Untold, an Adobe and Netflix collaboration through which new creative storytellers are invited to submit their projects, and three will receive a grant, tools and mentorship; a partnership with nonprofit 100cameras, focused on children around the world that have faced challenging circumstances, to help them learn to process and tell their stories through photography; and the Ocean League, a climate change initiative.
Tent summed up that in-person events may resume in the Fall, with plans including an in-person new board installation, holiday party and the 72nd Eddie Awards, which is slated for Feb. 26.
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