May 31, 2022

Hello editors from far and wide!
Welcome to the latest issue of CinemaEditor, in which we look back at our first in-person Eddie Awards in two years and look forward to EditFest Global. How fun and exciting it was to see everyone in the Theatre at the Ace Hotel for the 72nd Annual Eddie Awards. And hopefully it was just as fun and exciting for the hundreds of editors who tuned in from all over the world to watch our livestream. Congratulations to all the winners and the nominees for their incredible work and congratulations once again to our Career Achievement Award winners Lillian E. Benson, ACE, and Richard Chew, ACE. Both gave beautiful, heartfelt and inspiring speeches. And speaking of heartfelt speeches one more congrats to our Golden Eddie honoree Michelle Satter, the fearless leader of the Sundance Institute.
It was a great afternoon and couldn’t have happened without the hard work from Jenni McCormick, the ACE staff, Tilt, Jessica Whitney and her team at ZOe Productions. Thank you all!
Other news from the Board? Oh yeah … there’s a bunch! Our numerous committees are kicking into gear. Thanks to the hard work of the International Relations Committee, we’re proud to welcome the very first members into ACE’s new International Partnership Program: talented editors Melissa Parry and Dr. Nikki Comninos from our South African sister organization SAGE and Peter Sciberras – the Eddie- and Oscar-nominated editor of The Power of the Dog – from our Australian sister organization ASE! More inside from committee co-chair Edgar Burcksen, ACE, NCE, on the IRC and their vision and plans for the future.
And inspiring news from the ACE Welcome Committee! Chairs JoAnne Yarrow, ACE, and Stephanie Neroes, ACE, report that they have introduced and facilitated the meetings of over 100 editors in 2021 alone (split between new members and ambassadors). Not bad for the committee’s first year! The feedback they’ve received has been wonderfully positive and full of gratitude.
It’s clear it’s been a rewarding and meaningful experience for both the new members and the ambassadors alike. The ACE Education Committee, chaired by Jacob Bricca, ACE, co-chaired by James Martin and made up of ACE members who teach editing at the university level has been meeting regularly since October. They’ve been trading information on readings and assignments they give to their students and discussing how best ACE can work and interface with educators at the high school and college level. Very exciting stuff and we can’t wait to hear more!
The ACE Connect Committee led by chairs Chris Cooke, ACE, and Jonas Smensgard, is also taking its first steps. Committee members are reaching out to our many Life Members and exploring how ACE can better interact with these experienced, wiseand talented people.
Those are just a few highlights from a few of our new committees. Remember, if you’re interested in any of these or other committees check our website and reach out!
On behalf of the Board and all our members, thank you to our many committee chairs and members who work long hours as editors and then commit their time and energy into making our beloved ACE stronger and more relevant.
And finally … See you at EditFest!
ACE President
Message From the Board
Kevin Can F**k Himself
Pam & Tommy
72nd Eddie Awards
Invisible Art/Visible Artist
Global Perspectives
Tech Corner
Cuts We Love
William Mills Anderson, ACE
Mike Banas,ACE
David Brenner, ACE
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