February 14, 2021

Dear Members of ACE,

I hope this issue of our magazine finds you, your families and loved ones safe and sound. And hope you’ve had a healthy, peaceful holiday.

I am thrilled to have been elected President of our great organization. Thank you for your support and your vote of confidence. I’m excited to work with Jenni and our incredibly talented Board in keeping our organization strong and finding new and creative ways to pursue our stated goals.

We’ve come a long way in the last few years, much of that due to the hard work of Jenni McCormick, her team and our many members. It’s also due to the strong leadership from our departing President Stephen Rivkin, ACE. Thank you Steve for your dedication, your thoughtful guidance and your hard work over the last four years. You’ve always been there for ACE, focused and devoted even in the midst of cutting one of your gargantuan movies! We, the Board and the membership, thank you sincerely.

I believe we’re in for a bumpy ride over the next few months, but I also believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I believe our country has great doctors, scientists and professionals who will help us out of our current situation. It may be slow to start but our industry will rebound and we will be back working again in strength. But until then let’s keep an eye out for each other; we’re all editors, we all share this great and totally unique profession. However, some of us may struggle more than others at this time. So stay social. Check in with each other especially if you sense someone might need a lift. If you need a hand – take one. If you’ve got a hand – lend one.

Don’t be a stranger! If you’ve got ideas to make our organization better please – let’s hear them. The Board is open to all our members. We have many committees already established; check them out, join them, you’ll have fun and you’ll hang out with great people. And if you have an idea that doesn’t fit into any of our already established committees. Heck we can make a new one! ACE is your organization to make what you can with it. So get involved!

Pandemic aside, this is an exciting time for our beloved ACE, it’s growing, evolving and getting better every day. We’ve accomplished many of our stated goals. At this point, who doesn’t know editors are the smartest, often funniest and most good-natured people in the room? So let’s celebrate how far we’ve come but understand we’ve got work to do and new goals to accomplish.

And congratulations to all the Eddie nominees this year. Unfortunately I can’t see into the future so I don’t know who’s been nominated but I have no doubt the work is as exceptional as always. Good luck and enjoy the love and respect from your fellow editors.

In signing off I’d just like to say, be proud of your chosen profession and the work that you do. You’re an artist, a technician, a surgeon, an architect and a therapist all rolled into one. Be brilliant, be bold and until this pandemic passes stay safe, stay strong and stay sane.

Kevin Tent, ACE

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