Russian Doll Last spring, Emmy-winning comedy Russian Doll returned for its second season but this was no groundhog day repeat of the formula that made the Netflix show a hit. In Season 1, the story followed Nadia Vulvokov (Natasha Lyonne), who repeated her...
Succession When editor Ken Eluto, ACE, initially joined the crew of the HBO series Succession, it was unlikely he anticipated its Emmy-winning success. He edited 12 episodes of the show across its first three seasons, with his most recent, the finale of Season 3,...
Featured in Content: HBO Panel 2 “Comedy, Variety Editors” Panel: “Comedy/Variety Editors” Join Moderator: Jim Hemphill, filmmaker with with Emmy®-nominated panelists: Ryan Barger – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Episode 730...
Featured in Content: HBO Panel 3 “Non-Fiction” Panel: “Non-Fiction” Join Moderator: Carolyn GiardinaTech Editor, The Hollywood Reporter Panelists: Robert A. Martinez, The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart Tom Patterson, Q: Into the Storm...
Featured in Content: Moderator: Carolyn Giardina, The Hollywood Reporter David Eisenberg, Editor, Watchmen: “It’s Summer And We’re Running Out Of Ice” Anna Hauger, Editor, Watchmen: “This Extraordinary Being” Henk Van Eghen, ACE, Editor, Watchmen: “A God Walks...
Featured in Content: McMillion$ + Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Moderator: Carolyn Giardina, The Hollywood Reporter Lane Farnham, Supervising Editor, McMillion$ “Episode 3” – Nominee “Outstanding Picture Editing For Variety Programming” Ryan Barger, Editor,...
Watchmen HBO’s limited series Watchmen reimagines the world of the classic 1987 DC Comics graphic novels created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Series creator Damon Lindelof – who has racked up a string of industry accolades including 10...