March 2, 2022
Hello editors from far and wide!
Welcome to the latest issue of CinemaEditor. The Eddie Awards Issue! Although we don’t know the winners of the Eddies at press time we do know the nominees. And wow! Our membership has nominated a great group of editors for their impeccable work on their films, television shows and documentaries. It’s truly an honor to be nominated by your peers so a hearty congratulations to all the nominees for truly impressive work.
The winners we do know at this time are rock star editors Lillian E. Benson, ACE, and Richard Chew, ACE, the recipients of this year’s Career Achievement Awards. These two have had amazing careers, been active in MPEG and ACE and are great role models for all of us. Congratulations Lillian and Richard on this well-deserved recognition.
And we’re all winners and beneficiaries as a result of the Sundance Institute. Who has influenced American Cinema more (in the most positive of ways) than Robert Redford and founding director Michelle Satter’s brain child, the Sundance Institute? They have nurtured the talent of countless directors, producers, screenwriters, composers and yes … editors! We are humbled and thrilled to award Michelle and her entire Sundance team with this year’s Golden Eddie. More on Michelle, Sundance, Lillian and Richard inside!
In this issue we also talk with editors from some of this season’s top films, all of which were nominated! Belfast edited by Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE, Don’t Look Up edited by Hank Corwin, ACE, Flee edited by Janus Billeskov Jansen, The Power of the Dog edited by Peter Sciberras and Summer of Soul edited by Joshua L. Pearson. We also profile editor Sarah Broshar on her career and latest work (West Side Story).
Plus, we also look at the success of ACE’s Sally Menke Editing Fellowship, which is entering its second decade. We hear from past fellows about their participation at the Sundance Directors Lab, what it meant to them and what they’re up to today. Hot off the presses! At our January board meeting we officially voted for ACE to join Tempo! What is Tempo? Think of it as the United Nations of film editing organizations. Groups just like ACE in Europe and around the world who have goals like ours – promoting the art and craft of editing. This has been a goal long in development by the chairs of our International Committee, Michael Ornstein, ACE, and Edgar Burcksen, ACE, NCE, assisted by the fabulous editors Michelle Tesoro, ACE, and Job ter Burg, ACE, NCE. This is very exciting, thank you team! In case you missed it, see more about the workings of the International Committee in Edgar’s Global Editing Perspectives column in last quarter’s issue.
We are excited to see you all at the ACE Hotel on March 5 for the Eddies. ACE at the ACE! And if you’re not in L.A. or can’t make it – there’s good news – we’ll be livestreaming the show! And of course, safety is a priority for all of us and we will keep you posted on precautions and protocols for the show.
Congratulations again to all the nominees and to all the editors out there that did fantastic work this year. Stay safe, stay sane and stay strong!
ACE President
Featured in Content:
1st Quarter, 2022
ACE Board Message
2022 Eddie Honorees
Honoree – Sundance Institute
Honoree – Lillian Benson
Honoree – Richard Chew
Don’t Look Up
Summer of Soul
The Power of the Dog
Meet Sarah Broshar
ACE Holiday Party
Paper Cuts
Aspects of Editing
Tech Corner
Cuts We Love
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