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Allan Holzman ACE | Babel | Douglas Crise ACE | From the Vault | Stephen Mirrione Ace

BABEL received Academy Awards nominations for Best Picture, Best Director (Alejandro González Iñárritu), in addition to Best Film Editing for Stephen Mirrione, ACE and Douglas Crise, ACE, who were also honored with the ACE Eddie Award. Stephen Mirrione, ACE previously won an Oscar for editing TRAFFIC.

Courtesy of Allan Holzman, ACE

From the Vault – “Children of Men”

From the Vault – “Children of Men”

Set in 2027 when two decades of human infertility have left society on the brink of collapse. Asylum seekers seek sanctuary in the United Kingdom, where they are subjected to...

From the Vault – “THE HURT LOCKER”

From the Vault – “THE HURT LOCKER”

Nominated for 9 Academy Awards, THE HURT LOCKER won 6, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Editing. It was the first Best Picture winner to...

From the Vault – “CRASH”

From the Vault – “CRASH”

Released by Lionsgate Films, CRASH received three Academy Awards: Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, the ACE Eddie, nine BAFTA nominations with two BAFTA Awards including...

From the Vault – “Precious”

From the Vault – “Precious”

PRECIOUS received 6 Academy Award nominations including, Best Picture, Best Director for Lee Daniels, and Best Editor for Joe Klotz, ACE. Geoffrey Flechter became the first...

From the Vault – “Collateral”

From the Vault – “Collateral”

In addition to their Academy Award nomination, JIm Miller and Paul Rubell's editing of COLLATERAL produced and directed by Michael Mann, was honored by nominations for the ACE...

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